June 9, 2021

Fin Takes to the Waves

Wetwheels South West

Finley Allen was the first wheelchair user to take the helm of the new Wetwheels South West boat.

Here is what Fin had to say after the trip:

As we got on the Wetwheels South West boat in Falmouth, tied my chair to the deck (when I wasn’t driving) I thought ‘Ah this will be a gentle ride into the Carrick Roads’. Then with a ‘Ready?’, from Geoff and boat captain Dave, we were off. It was quite a force at first, giving me a kick of adrenalin as we reached 50 mph. A few minutes more and it was my turn to take control; ‘Oh No’, or so I thought. I’d never driven a boat before, let alone a brand-new state of the art, £200,000 powerboat.

The excited, nervous energy that I felt quickly subsided, and as I took the wheel, I began to steer the boat. With the help of the excellent captain Dave, (I couldn’t have done it otherwise!) we weaved around other vessels as we approached the mouth of the Fal. We eventually reached open water, and thatâ where the sense of freedom set in. I felt at ease with the situation as the boat began to glide through the water. Although the boat was going at 30 mph, I never once felt unsure and I think the photo says it all.

Since my experience with Wetwheels I have begun to learn how to drive in an adapted vehicle. Driving the Wetwheels powerboat was more than just a great day out on the water, it was really positive and boosted my confidence, making those first driving sessions easier.

Thanks Wetwheels for a truly memorable adventure on the ocean. I am definitely coming back for more!