Wetwheels Jersey 500 Club 27th May 2022

And the winning numbers of the 500 club prize draw, May 2022 are… 1st Prize £150 Ticket no. 440 2nd Prize £75 Ticket no. 301 £30 ticket no. 495 £30 ticket no. 038 £25 ticket no. 313 £25 ticket no. 402 £25 ticket no. 386 £25 ticket no. 158 Congratulations and many thanks for your support.

Oostende at Anchor 2022

On Wednesday 18th May 2022, Wetwheels South East set sail for Oostende in Belgium, the only city on the seaside in Belgium for their annual festival Oostende voor Anker (Ostend at Anchor) for the first time since 2019! Over 185,000 people celebrated Maritime Achievements across the four day festival, with Tall Ships, Dunkirkâ Little Ships and Secrets under the Sea

ABP Marathon 2022

ABP Port of Southamptonâ charity of the year, The Wetwheels Foundation, has achieved its target of raising £5,000 from this yearâ Southampton marathon, meaning that over 200 people with disabilities from across the Solent region will be given the opportunity to access the water, barrier-free, this summer. (pic Smiley Movement). Representatives from the charity were joined by runners from ABP

Clarke Willmott go the Extra Mile

Sophie from Clarke Willmott LLP took on the ABP half marathon and tells her inspiring story: “Training for the half marathon (my first running event) from ground zero was challenging but having a goal and raising money for a great cause really kept the motivation going. I was so nervous on the day but meeting with the Wetwheels team prior