Annual Report and Accounts 2020/2021

Our Annual Report and Accounts is now available to view. The Report outlines our journey across the year, how we managed the many challenges of the pandemic and our positive vision for the future.

Wetwheels Yorkshire with Club Wilber

At the end of October half term, our Club Wilber families were fortunate to experience the joy of being out on the sea with the wonderful charity, Wetwheels. Starting the day grateful for some glorious sunshine (unseasonably good weather for October!), the families gathered together at the marina in the centre of Whitby. You could see a mixture of excitement

Wetwheels Hamble Newsletter 2021

Newsletter Link

Christmas at Wetwheels

At this special time of year, may I share a heartfelt thank you to everyone for helping us achieve so much in 2021. This is with the backdrop of an often challenging time, as Covid 19 sadly still affects so much of what we do. But through the hard work and dedication of our teams across the country, our volunteers,