Wetwheels 500 Club – November 2019 Winners

And the winners of this monthâ 500 club prize draw are…. 1st Prize £150 Ticket no. 344 Name: Robert Adams 2nd Prize £75 Ticket no. 483 Name: Richard Liron £30 ticket no. 338 Name: Richard Woodhouse £30 ticket no. 367 Name: James Cumming £25 ticket no. 020 Name: Alan & Pat Wells £25 ticket no. 268 Name: Bernie Manning £25

Wetwheels Jersey Autumn 2019 Newsletter

Welcome to the autumn newsletter telling you all about your charity, Wetwheels Jersey. It has been another extremely busy year with nearly 1,200 people enjoying an exciting trip on board, with the boat sometimes in use three or four times a day. In our autumn newsletter, you can read about: our successful safety exercise in July in collaboration with the

Wetwheels runners race in the Great South Run

A team of 10 runners – our Wetwheels Champions – took part in the Great South Run 10 mile road race in Portsmouth on Sunday 20 October 2020. It is the first time Wetwheels has entered runners in the event and it proved to be a great success. The final sponsorship total is still to be confirmed, but our dedicated

Association of Jersey Charities Awards 2019 – Wetwheels recognised

Wetwheels was very pleased to be awarded a prize at the 2019 Association of Jersey Charities Awards for Outstanding Achievement, small charity category. A huge thanks go to all our volunteers without whom we would not be able to give so many trips to so many deserving people. A big thanks especially to Richard Hollick for the many, many hours