Torbay taking shape
- Wetwheels Foundation
Geoff visited The Cheetah Marine factory on the Isle of Wight with Wetwheels Torbay supporters and soon to be CIC Director, Russell and his wife Julia, to see the new boat taking shape, from under the bow! It is always exciting to see a new boat becoming a reality after raising the funds required for these state-of-the-art, fully accessible catamarans.
500 Club Application Form 2024
- Wetwheels Jersey
The 500 club has generated much-needed funds for Wetwheels Jersey and once again we will be rolling it out for 2024. All the draws will take place on the last Friday of each month with the first draw on the 26th January 2024. The ticket price remains at £20 with your chance to win one of eight prizes each month
BBC Children in Need 2023
- Wetwheels Foundation
Geoff and the team on Wetwheels Solent welcomed the Children in Need team onboard to join a group of youngsters enjoying time on the water, creating magical memories this week. Go to the BBC Sounds page and fast forward to 1h 09m to hear Geoff talking about the support we receive and why it makes such a huge difference to
New Chair at the helm of Wetwheels Jersey
- Wetwheels Jersey
David Jones has been appointed Chair of the Board of Wetwheels Jersey Limited, succeeding Brian Watt who has come to the end of his term after six years. David has recently retired from a 38-year teaching career and has developed his passion for sailing and boating from an early age. On his appointment as Chair, David said â I am