July 4, 2020

Trips Resume July 14th

Wetwheels Yorkshire

In the early stages of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Wetwheels Yorkshire anticipated that, sadly, it would be highly unlikely that we would be able to operate in 2020 as many of our participants have underlying health conditions and are particularly vulnerable. The safety of our participants has always been, and remains, our unquestionable priority.

We have, however, been approached by a number of previous Wetwheels Yorkshire participants who are keen to experience the joy of being at sea, away from the crowds and in the fresh air having spent so long indoors.

We have therefore put in place a series of measures that will allow us to provide a limited number of trips on Wetwheels Yorkshire during the summer months of 2020. As with all aspects of a Wetwheels Yorkshire trip, our safety protocols will not only meet, but whenever possible, exceed those guidelines set out by the government.

Key points will be:

A maximum of four participants on board at any one time, from one household (or ‘bubble’).

A maximum of one crew member plus skipper.

No participant access to the wheelhouse (which means, sadly, no opportunity to steer Wetwheels Yorkshire this year).

Participants and crew to follow social distancing requirements at all times.

We understand that many of our participants will be concerned about travelling anywhere at this time and, if you feel at all unsure about joining us on a trip, please stay safe and perhaps join us again in 2021. Consider joining us online for one of our ‘Wetwheels Yorkshire Live!’ broadcasts on Facebook as an alternative?

If, however, you would like to discuss further the measures we have put in place, and how a trip will work this year, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01947 466566 or email bookings@wetwheelsyorkshire.com.

Thank you and please stay safe.