April 27, 2020

Wetwheels Hamble 2.6 hour Pilates Marathon Challenge

Wetwheels Hamble

The Wetwheels Hamble Zoom Pilates team are each undertaking to do 2.6 hours of Pilates between 26th April and May 3rd to raise money for the Wetwheels Foundation, Hamble and our fellow operators to get us through our current period of inactivity.

We are missing taking all our wonderful participants out on the water and what’s worse is we have expenses to pay (which we are of course cutting to the bare minimum) and no revenue coming in at this oh so difficult time for everyone!

Every penny we raise will help make sure we can hit the ground running (well with fuel in our tanks!) when we get the go ahead later this year.

If you would like to join the team please feel free, the more the merrier and if you don’t fancy a Pilates Marathon just send us a few pennies instead!