Amble Outreach 2023

Wetwheels Yorkshire’s visit to Amble, Northumberland in August 2023 faced some challenging weather conditions but the ‘friendliest port’ didn’t fail to deliver the joy.

WWJ Preparing for your trip

This video shows you where to meet and what to expect prior to your trip.

True Grit Wetwheels Challenge 2023

Wow another successful True Grit Wetwheels Challenge took place on Sunday 16th April. The wind dropped and the sun shone for us as our competitors took on the gruelling, yet fun challenge. One guy, Paul, even doing it twice.

Thank you to Ronez Quarry for holding the event and all the work they put in to getting the course up and ready. A big thank you also to our sponsors Ravenscroft Group and Seapower Marine, without their support we would not be able to hold the event. Also a big thank you to the marshalls for ensuring everyones safety on the day. And of course a BIG BIG thank you to everyone who took part on the challenge. You Rock! 

The event raised just over £10k

True Grit Wetwheels Challenge 2022

In 2022 we were able to run the True Grit Challenge as we had always envisaged it… with obstacles. 

Having taken on board feedback from last year’s competitors, we have added a few more obstacles for 2023. We have also added a shorter section for Key stage 2 to 15 year olds.

Sunday 16th April 2023, it is going to be EPIC!

Sign up NOW –

What to expect when you visit Wetwheels South East

What to expect when you visit, where to park,  how to find us and everything you need to know to fully enjoy your experience on Wetwheels South East

2022 what a year

See some of the best bits from our 2022 season!  2023 cant come sonn enought!