Please use the Categories filters to find your question.
If you would like information about a particular operator (Wetwheels Hamble, near Southampton; Wetwheels Jersey in the Channel Islands; Wetwheels Solent in Portsmouth; Wetwheels South East in Dover; Wetwheels South West in Falmouth; or Wetwheels Yorkshire in Whitby), please select the appropriate category.
Each of our local teams will have slightly different joining instructions, depending on the facilities where they are based. Please contact the Wetwheels Operator you have booked with, as they will be able to tell you everything you may need to know about getting on board. You can find their contact details via the Locations page on this website.
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Registered charity in England and Wales 1148600 and Scotland SC051304 © Wetwheels Foundation 2024
Created by MindWorks Marketing