Please use the Categories filters to find your question.
If you would like information about a particular operator (Wetwheels Hamble, near Southampton; Wetwheels Jersey in the Channel Islands; Wetwheels Solent in Portsmouth; Wetwheels South East in Dover; Wetwheels South West in Falmouth; or Wetwheels Yorkshire in Whitby), please select the appropriate category.
All our risk assessments and policies are available on request. Please contact David by emailing or phoning him 07889 275 907 to request copies.
Wetwheels South West does not have a toilet on board, but there are toilet facilities in Grove Place.
There is a Changing Places facility at Ships and Castles Leisure Centre, Castle Drive, Falmouth, TR11 4NG which is about 1 mile away near Pendennis Castle.
Regardless of the weather, assume your trip will be going ahead unless you hear from us.
If we have to cancel it will be on safety grounds. The decision will be made by our skipper and his word is final. We will contact you on the phone number you have given us at the time of booking if this is to be the case.
The boat is available for private charter, subject to availability. For more information please contact David by or phoning him 07889 275 907. Price information is available in our ‘How much does it cost?’ FAQ.
Gift cards are available to purchase for any monetary value. Please contact David by or phoning him 07889 275 907 for more information.
There is space in Quay Street to drop off passengers but not to park. The nearest car park is in Grove Place where there are also public conveniences. This is about 0.2 miles away.
Most of our trips run from Falmouth Haven, Quay Street, Falmouth TR11 3JQ, except for Outreach trips where we visit other locations.
On the Harbour Arm you will see our Meet and Great hut where we will check you in and provide you with lifejackets.
Definitely yes! A Wetwheels experience should be an inclusive experience, so siblings and other family members and friends are more than welcome. For costs please see our ‘How much does it cost?’ FAQ.
Everyone should feel confident, happy and looked after, so it is no problem if you need more than one carer with you.
For costs, please see our ‘How much does it cost?’ FAQ, or contact David by or phoning him 07889 275 907 if you have any questions.
Our standard trip length is approximately 90 minutes, unless otherwise agreed.
This will depend on the type of trip you are booking so please view our booking site for
Due to Covid-19 guidelines currently we can take up to 6 people from two families in total, including up to three people in wheelchairs.
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