Please use the Categories filters to find your question.
If you would like information about a particular operator (Wetwheels Hamble, near Southampton; Wetwheels Jersey in the Channel Islands; Wetwheels Solent in Portsmouth; Wetwheels South East in Dover; Wetwheels South West in Falmouth; or Wetwheels Yorkshire in Whitby), please select the appropriate category.
Regardless of the weather, presume we will be going unless you hear from us. If we cancel, it will be on safety grounds and a decision that our skipper would make with his word being final. We will contact you on the number you have given us at the time of booking if this is to be the case.
Wetwheels does not have a toilet onboard but all our locations are located as near as possible to accessible toilets. Our aim is to encourage our partner marinas to instal a Changing Places room with a hoist as soon as possible and we will update you on our progress here.
All our risk assessments and policies are available on request, please contact Peter on 01947 466566 or to request a copy.
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Registered charity in England and Wales 1148600 and Scotland SC051304 © Wetwheels Foundation 2024
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