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Application Form for 2022 WWJ 500 Club

Wetwheels Jersey

The 500 club has generated much-needed funds for Wetwheels Jersey and once again we will be rolling it out for 2022. The Jersey Gambling Commission have requested that we run the draws from January to December 2022 so with this in mind the new ticket...

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Rd Whish 5 Scaled

A magical story onboard Wetwheels Yorkshire

Wetwheels Yorkshire

A wonderful story from Emma at Whitby Hidden Impairments Support and Help, kindly shared by The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights, after an Award to join us onboard: "Firstly, thank you once again for extending this grant and enabling us to carry out...

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10th Anniversary celebration

Wetwheels Foundation

We had a wonderful evening with friends, supporters and our Wetwheels Operators who travelled from across the country, to come together celebrating 10 magical years of barrier-free boating. The event was kindly supported by Paul Strezlecki pfds consu...

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Wetwheels Jersey 500 Club - October 2021

Wetwheels Jersey

And the winning numbers of the 500 club prize draw, October 2021 are... 1st Prize 150 - Ticket no. 120 2nd Prize 75 - Ticket no. 112 30 ticket no. 221 30 ticket no. 020 25 ticket no. 479 25 ticket no. 292 25 ticket no. 242 25 ticket no. 181 C...

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